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The Desert Is Beautiful Episodes

Celebrating the breathtaking beauty of desert landscapes, from vast dune fields and rugged mountains to stunning sunsets and the intricate details of desert flora and fauna, reminding us why these wild places are worth protecting.
June 18, 2024

S3E19: Oh, those dark desert skies

About the Guest(s): Mitch Miller: Mitch Miller is a seasoned landscape photographer based in Joshua Tree, California. With a career that started in 1981, Mitch has a unique affection for capturing night sky images. His extens...
May 15, 2024

S3E15: The Surprising Longevity of Desert Plants

Discover the ancient plants of the desert in this episode of 90 Miles from Needles. From the 11,700-year-old King Clone creosote bush to the surprisingly long lifespans of cholla cacti and Mojave yuccas, host Chris Clarke exp...
April 16, 2024

S3E11: Desert Stories

In this episode host Chris Clarke shares his recent visit to the Amargosa Basin, highlighting the stunning wildflower bloom and the importance of supporting local communities. He also presents three captivating desert stories...
Oct. 23, 2023

S2E13: Dealing With Loss

It's been a minute since we published an episode, in part because Chris and Alicia have had complicated lives. Here's how we contend with bad news inside and out of the desert: we go to ground in the desert. Become a desert d...
Guest: Rohini Walker
April 23, 2023

S2E7: Superb Loom

There are flowers to be seen in the desert, if you know where to look. Chris and Alicia de-stress while enjoying the best of the desert, and discuss how best to celebrate such effusive blooms without destroying them. Become a...
Sept. 21, 2022

S1E18 Chris is Stressed Out + Some Good News

We're not going to be able to save the desert if we self-immolate. Alicia reads Chris the riot act about taking time to enjoy the desert without being preoccupied by saving it. He responds by heading to the Colorado River. Al...